Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Next to Normal

"Most people who think they're happy just haven't thought about it enough.  Most people who think they're happy are actually just stupid."

-Brian Yorkey and Tom Kitt, Next to Normal

This year we took a chance and went to see Next to Normal at the Kauffman Center.  It is a new musical and winner of three Tony awards and the 2010 Pulitzer Prize that we knew very little about.
Next to Normal is the story of a family trying to live "normal" lives amidst mental illness.  The storyline intrigued me, called me really.

Two highly unhappy people.

The Kauffman Center awed me once again.

This time I spent a little more time looking up.

Date night.  A once a year phenomenon.

The music in Next to Normal was hauntingly beautiful, the lyrics were insane, for lack of a better word, and I am ever so grateful that every note and every word were written for the world.  I didn't bring enough kleenex to get through this emotional thunderstorm of music and poetry.

1 comment:

  1. You've sold me on this one! Too bad it's only playing in Canada right now.
