Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Day In Olathe Part Two aka Soccer All Around

Our day in Olathe had not one, but two soccer games!  Later in the afternoon, it was Mary's turn to wow us with her mad soccer skills.
Dale watched very closely as his dear cousin ran all over the field.

Other spectators, while not as cute as my Dale, also rooted Mary on.
Rose spent most of her time running up and down the hill in between two fields.  She thought she was hysterical and had a great time laughing and singing and twirling all around like a princess, and Dale joined his sister shortly thereafter.
Once all the soccer fun was over, Auntie B cooked up a fabulous dinner, and then we celebrated Grandpa's birthday.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Day In Olathe

September 15, 2012
We got to Olathe just in time for lunch, so we stopped at Oklahoma Joe's for some BBQ yummies.  We couldn't believe we had never been inside this restaurant before.  What is wrong with us?!  How dare we call ourselves Kansans!
Our next stop was Max's soccer game.  We love watching Max play soccer.  Truth be told, he's hilarious on the soccer field, and it makes me giggle.
A classic Max stance.
The spectators at Max's soccer game were very entertaining too.

This is Mark's Scott face.

Two hot mamas and a little lady.  And yes, Mary, we looked at all your texts.  You're in big trouble.  Just kidding.

For the second half of the game, Max was the goalie.

Meanwhile, Dale and Matthew had a side game of their own going on.  Something tells me Dale is going to love playing soccer next year.

After the game, Max and his coach posed for a picture.  Way to go Rice boys!

I'm completely freaked out by Mary and Rose's faces.  It must be a girl thing.
Mary has gone full blown teenager on us, but she still has time for her favorite cousins.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Curly Pigtails

Gosh golly gee.  This girl is so dang cute!

For my second attempt with the sponge curlers, I decided to put Rose's hair in pigtails before putting in the rollers.

It was even worse than the first try, but it's so darn cute to see!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Dale's First Day of Preschool

September 13, 2012
Dale's first day of preschool!!!
And Rose's first day alone with Mommy.

Dale was feeling super cool and confident with his new haircut and new shoes.

Since the preschool building is still under renovations, the school has moved into the church for the time being, which means we get to walk up super cool stairs every day.

"Can I please go sit on the stairs, Mommy?  Pleeeease?"
Preschool models.

Once we finally got inside the school, Dale got comfortable quickly.  He was slightly concerned that Mommy and Daddy were going to leave him there, but the teacher grabbed the kids' attention immediately, and all the parents slowly left.

Nobody told the kids where to put their name tags.

Are there any brunettes in this town?
I cried the whole way home.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

New Beginnings

The day before Dale's preschool started, we went to the open house to explore.  Dale gave his new teacher one huge smile before hiding behind Daddy's leg.
A smile and a crotch grab, that is.

Rose was already firmly planted in her spot between my legs.

Once we got inside the building, Dale went nuts exploring all the new toys.  We chose a play based preschool for Dale, because we wanted him to grow socially.  Plenty of time for all the other stuff later.

On the same day as the preschool open house, Dale's new dance class began.  Dale was super excited about his dance class.  He entered the building like he owned the place, changed into his ballet shoes, and walked right into his class with his new friends.
Dale appears to be the youngest in his class.  The teachers invited Dale to join the 4-5 year old class, even though he would be three when the class started.  Yay, Dale!

And the tap shoes!!!  When Dale puts those shoes on his feet, he gets a new burst of energy and a sparkle in his eye.

Future tap star.

Meanwhile, little sister Rose entertained the other mommas with her loud demands for everyone to say "Hi!" to her.

Even the mannequin was greeted by Rose.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My Kids Are Cute

Toddler rule #694 - Only one child will allow picture taking at a time, ensuring you never get a great picture of them both at the same time.
It was Dale's turn to agree to a mini photo shoot in the backyard.
Rose just wanted to swing.  Don't even think about doing anything else, or she will make you pay.  Big time.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Cute Things

My sweet baby Dale, as I still affectionately call him, is afraid of the dark.  So much so that he cannot fall asleep in his own bed.  It got to the point where we would leave Dale's bedroom light on at night so he would stay in bed, and eventually even that didn't work anymore.  Dale now goes to sleep every night in Mommy and Daddy's bed, door open, hall light on.  If it's not perfect, he'll let you know.  He doesn't stay there though.  Daddy carries a sleeping Dale back to his own bed every single night.  I kind of love this arrangement, because I love my Dale cuddles, and I certainly get more of them this way.

The other cutie patootie pie has been working on new hairdos with Mommy.  She wants her hair to be super duper curly, so we acquired some sponge rollers, (thank you, Monga), and gave them a go.  I turned on "Little Einsteins", and once Rose's eyes had glazed over, I put the rollers right in.  Easy peasy.

Sponge curlers are a rite of passage in my family.

For maximum curl, it's essential to sleep in your rollers.  I have many memories of trying to sleep on those stupid things, and I decided I needed to give Rose that experience too.  Before she fell asleep, she pulled out several of her curlers, and there was just no way for me to fix them without waking her up.

So when we took the rollers out in the morning, this is what her hair looked like.

There was no way I could leave Rose's hair down, so I put it in pigtails hoping it would help.

It didn't.
Better luck next time.