Friday, October 5, 2012

A Place to Share

A Spanish style castle outside a Swedish town in Kansas?  This must be America.
Just outside Lindsborg sits a castle overlooking the plains of central Kansas that was built in the 1930's as part of the Works Progress Administration.  The bluff on which it stands is called Coronado Heights, named after the Spanish explorer Francisco Vasquez de Coronado, who is allegedly said to have stood on this spot in his search for gold in 1541.  I used the castle as an excuse to get my children there.  The real reason to visit here is for the amazing 360 degree views of pure Kansas awesomeness.
We had a marvelous peanut butter picnic, and then we were ready to explore the grand castle of the Kansas plains.
A castle AND picnic tables?

Hi Dale and Daddy!

The princess finds her castle.
I loved that there was soft sandstone at the top of this hill.  From the base to the top of Coronado Heights, 230 million years of geological history is shown in the rocks.
"A Place to Share"
*Thanks to the City of Lindsborg website for some history info.

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