Friday, September 28, 2012

Rainy Day

Ever since I was a little girl, I've spent countless moments dancing and singing in the rain.  The urge didn't diminish as I aged, and once I had children, I knew it was something I had to pass along.  There is nothing like letting loose in the rain.  Nothing.

Dale couldn't understand why I wouldn't let him turn on the hose.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

August Videos

Here are a few August videos that accidentally got left behind.  I couldn't just ignore them, so here they are all clumped into one big fat juicy blog post.
Rose is a singer.  She's not shy about it either.  Girlfriend loves to shout it out.

When it was Dale's turn with the microphone, he went into his own little imaginary world.  We have no idea what he was doing.
Rose on the trampoline is hysterical.  She has the shortest little legs that make me giggle on a daily basis. 
The afternoon we picked up Dale's tap shoes from the dance school, he didn't quite know what to make of the shoes.  But he gave them a shot, and now he's hooked.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Painted Presents

For Monga's birthday, we decided to create painted masterpieces.  We were super excited to get messy and explore the mixtures of colors on paper.
Dale wanted red, red, and more red, and he thought his messy hands were awesome.

The finished pieces were beauties.  So colorful and exquisite.  My little artists did a great job!

Rose's artwork.

Dale's artwork.
Too bad I left the art outside overnight to dry...and it rained.  Happy Birthday anyway, Monga.  It's the thought that counts, right?

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Playground Romp

The Easter Bunny came late this year.  He meant to leave Dale and Rose buckets and toys for the sand way back in April, but he was so busy with life that he forgot!  So finally in August, these fantastic toys emerged, and off to the playground we went.

While Dale sat for a good chunk of time, digging and moving the sand around, Rose was ready to explore every inch of the playground.  She's really not a fan of sitting still.

Happy belated Easter!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Little Helpers

We are a busy family.  We don't have a million extracurricular activities going on, no, but we are always going somewhere and doing something, and we are rarely at home much at all on the weekends.  So we're lucky if we get to wash our car once a year.  That's right, once a year we scrub the bugs off the car.  (Don't judge too harshly.)  And by we, I mean Mark and the kids.  Mama doesn't do dead bugs.  At all.  Ever.
Rose was in charge of the sponges and kept rubbing dead bugs onto my legs.  It wasn't fun for me.
Here Mommy, don't you want squished bugs on your legs?
She was a great helper for Daddy, but she kept getting distracted.
Distracted by her beautiful reflection.

Dale was in charge of the water, of course.  He also made sure the coupe was clean and full of "gas" for Rose.

Will someone please bend over and pick up the Princess's sponge for her?

Rose ended up loving the car washing so much that she decided to wash many other things as well.  Nothing was safe from our little scrubber.  After she made sure the driveway was clean, she moved into the garage for even more fun.
It won't last, I know, so I just let her keep going.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Sweet Summer Night

Our backyard is starting to overflow with sweet summer memories.  We have had a lot of fun jumping and running and swinging and laughing and splashing around in our backyard.  And the watermelon.  Watermelon makes for some juicy fun and great pictures of my two little ones.
After we enjoyed the juiciest watermelon on the planet, Rose decided it would be fun to put her leftovers in a bucket and then cover it with dirt.  Why not?
But now that I think about it, that bucket may still be sitting out there with rotting watermelon in it.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Kansas City Sea Life Aquarium

YAY for Kansas City and their new Sea Life Aquarium!  It's about time.  Of course we had to check it out, so we tagged along with the Riehns for a fabulous day of fish and other assorted weird wet things. 

My little landlocked Kansans have never seen such wonders.  How marvelous it was to watch their faces as they explored the creatures of the deep.

Dale got to touch a few things!

How fun is this?

The Aquarium was a nice size for little ones, and once we were done, we still had time to head across the street to Crown Center for some pizza eating and fountain watching.

Yep, they closed off the famous Crown Center fountains.  Darn them!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Miss Independence, Mister Tiger and Miss Bossy Pants

Miss Independence loves herself some playground equipment.  She's all over the place, trying everything out without the tiniest bit of fear.  She can climb and dangle and run with the best of them.  Oh, and also she's adorable.

Miss Bossy Pants and Mister Growling Tiger went to the playground with Miss Independence, and together the three of them left nothing untouched.

Also fearless, Miss Bossy Pants aka Mini Dave gave me her best "Oh Jeez Aunt Wendy, hurry up already and take my picture" face.

Miss Independence was just steps behind her cousin.  She will conquer that rock climbing wall, oh yes she will.

Do they ever get tired?  No, no they do not.