Thursday, July 5, 2012

Ernie Swims, Rose Swings, and Dale Smiles

More water fun, ya'll!  Cuz that's what we do.  Somehow...ahem...Monga...ahem...Ernie made it outside this time.

Ernie went swimming.

We were sure to show Monga our new table and lead her around our backyard oasis.

Some days my children won't let me snap a single photo of them, while other days I can't get them to stop posing.  This day ended up being a great picture day for both kids.

Rose loves to dangle.

This is Rose's common pouty/angry/don't-tell-me-what-to-do face.

Then she started to warm up a bit.

This is Rose's "cheese" face.

A foot!

Dale is such a handsome boy, and when I get him to stand still, I can get some fabulous photos of him.

This is Dale's "cheese" face.

This is my current favorite photograph of Dale.  I know this face well.  I love this face.

This is the "hurry up and take the picture, Mommy" face.  It is inherited from Daddy.

I feel so lucky that my kids are expressive and dramatic.  I wouldn't want it any other way.  We always have a lot of fun practicing faces.


  1. Who is that cackling and hissing?

  2. Aw, I love Dale's cheese face. And I loved hearing him say, "Hey Monga?"
