Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Monga, Milton's, and a Museum

A beautiful sunny morning in Lawrence...
We met Monga and Lily for brunch at Milton's on Mass Street.  (A Wendy/Sara/Monga fave.)  Monga showered the kids with gifts, as usual.

  Dale LOVED his new rocket.

Lily and Rose cuddled their new babies close.

Monga and Lily had been to the Farmer's Market that morning, so they had wonderful things like lavender and Jayhawk cookies.

No one on Mass Street was safe from rocket blastoffs.

We heart NY and Milton's.

After breakfast, we were off to the KU campus and The Natural History Museum.  First things first though.  We must always pose with the giant Jayhawk in front of the Union.

The museum looks the same as it did when I visited it in fourth grade.  I remember it clearly.  I had on my purple Mrs. Sundgren's class t-shirt, giant white shorts, and my hair was pulled back in a ponytail.  I was hot.
I dazzled my children with the giant fish skeleton, the bees, and the fluorescent light room, because those were my favorite parts when I was little.

Meet my new boyfriend, Gus.  He's not very friendly, and his breath is atrocious, but he gives great back scratches.  Monga is clearly jealous of his teeth.

Rose was particularly fond of this dude.

Before we headed back to Manhattan, Monga insisted that I take a million pictures of her.

Love you, Monga!  xoxo

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