Monday, July 23, 2012

Catching, Leaping, and Sitting Supremely

Apparently there's nothing like sliding down a concrete sidewalk backwards on your belly, because Rose does it just about every single time we are outside.  I don't get it, but I never intervene unless she is about to roll right over a massive chunk of bird poo.

Dale would much rather play frisbee with Daddy.  He positions his hands just like Daddy taught him to, ready to clamp down on that frisbee.  He's so proud and happy to play catch with Daddy.

We like to carry things on our heads.

And we always smell the flowers.

Sometimes we get upset, but with kisses and hugs we always recover quickly.

Once we were bored with the frisbee, we moved on to important life lessons, like how to jump over a sprinkler.

Rose and Dale watch Daddy carefully, so they too can master the sprinkler jump.

While Dale and Daddy practiced their leaps, Rose sat like a queen on her thrown overlooking the scene.  We love our blue chairs.  They were Winnie and Dale's chairs, and we lovingly restored them to their original bright blue color.  They make me happy.

Her Royal Highness of the Backyard sits supremely on her blue throne.