Monday, July 16, 2012

Sprinklers, Chip Clips and Pouty Kissy Lips

One beautiful morning we woke up and decided to make a fabulous banner to give Daddy on Father's Day. Dale and Rose each had their own side, and they each did something different and wonderful for Daddy.

Rose wanted to use crayons at first, but then she remembered that she could color all over herself if she used markers. Her new strategy is to draw all over her hands and then lick the marker off.

Dale mostly used markers and made me trace his feet and hands numerous times.

Dale also did a portrait of Daddy in the middle of the paper.

After making Daddy's banner, we had a nice relaxing time in the backyard, and Mommy got to sit back and put up her feet while her perfect children behaved and played so nicely.
Nope, that is not how it happened at all.
It started out normal enough with some light water splashing.

But then Dale became possessed.

He began thrashing water about like a mad man.

He tried to fight the sprinkler with his stick sword. Did you know that throwing numerous toys/rocks/sticks at the sprinkler does not make the water stop coming out? Well, now Dale does.

Magnet chip clip from fridge makes a nice pants holder upper.

And then.
Then Dale grew strong and powerful, a "vedy VEDY BIG BOY!"

He dashed through the water as fast as he could over and over again.

Rose watched in amazement as her brother went bananas.

Then Dale figured out he could pick up the sprinkler. No one was safe.

Poor Rose experienced the wrath of sibling torture many times.

She didn't like it much.

Pouty kissy lips, saggy wet pants, it was definitely time to go inside.