Monday, December 3, 2012

My Genius Daughter In Our Stylish Bathroom

First of all, try, try so hard not to be jealous of my barf colored bathroom and wooden toilet seat.  I know everyone dreams of pee colored walls and sinks, but this isn't about my awesome toilet.  This is instead about my brilliant daughter, Rose, who is starting to figure out that whole waste-goes-in-the-toilet thing.  Isn't she adorbs?  Totes.
No, we're not potty training right now.  I don't consider my kids ready until they are practically past their prime.  Occasionally though, Dale will encourage his sister to take off her pants and go to the toilet like a big girl, and Rose does what big brother says.  I find Rose like this, beaming proudly on the toilet.  I then proceed to take her photo and show everyone on the planet, because I want everyone to look at my genius daughter.  My work here is done.

1 comment:

  1. Pure genius. And get ready to say sianara to that bathroom sista!
