Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Baby Dale at Four

Dear Dale,
As I write this letter, you are building a fort in the living room out of books, storage crate lids, pillows, one sock, one glove, a Christmas ornament and the top of the white plastic juicer.  You invent things like that every day, big and small.  You are so smart, so creative, and it's amazing to watch you figure out new and unique ways to use everyday household objects and toys.  I know something amazing will develop out of this curiosity.
Photo taken October 23, 2012, a few weeks before Dale turned four.
You are such a sweet boy, sometimes shy, and you are loving to me, your Daddy, and your little sister, Rose.  You give lots of hugs but only occasional kisses.  You love to cuddle more than anything.
Cars and rockets are still your favorite toys to play with, but you have a soft spot for all your lovies, and you carry them around from room to room with you.  You don't necessarily play with them, but they are always with you, keeping you company.  I think you would carry around your whole bedroom if you could.
You go to preschool, where you remain shy.  You tell me your favorite part is snack time, but your teachers tell me that you really love playing with the small toys, like cars.  You have made me several bracelets and one magnificent necklace with colored pasta.  I wear them, because they are special, and I can picture you making them, one bead at a time.
Once a week I take you to dance class, where you get to do both ballet and tap.  Your point is amazing, the best in the class, but you prefer tap dancing.  I tell you that I'm watching you through the window to make sure you behave, but really I am so proud, and watching you dance makes me so happy.
I cannot wait to see where your fourth year takes you.  I love you so much, Dale.  You'll always be Baby Dale to me, even if you don't like it when I say that anymore.
Mommy  xoxo


  1. Your expression of love about your son is very touching and beautiful. Dale is a wonderful child indeed. You are both so blessed to have each other.

  2. Dale is very special, and I know that mom and dad are very lucky to have him, and he is lucky to have such wonderful parents! And he has a lot of extended family that love him very much, too. Love to my sweet grandson! xoxoxo
