Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Community Helper Day

October 30, 2012
The week of Halloween at Dale's preschool was celebrated with a nod to community helpers instead of scary masked creatures.  I had to scramble to find Dale a costume that represented someone in the community we respected.  Not that I had a gory bloody monster picked out already for Dale, but because what I was planning just didn't jive with the theme all that well. 
Enter Monga.  Our savior on many an occasion, Monga happened to discover the perfect thing at an estate sale just a few days earlier.  She put it in the mail, and off Dale went to school, donning his surgical mask and cap.  Doctor Dale sounded pretty awesome too.  Normally I would have thought, a doctor, really?  How boring.  But since my grandfather was a doctor, I have a soft spot for those dudes.
We don't go to the church where Dale's preschool is, but it's so stunning to behold twice a week.

The teachers generously paraded the kids in front of all the grinning mothers outside in the courtyard.  Four year old kiddos are cah-ute!

Turns out no one else could think of anything on such short notice either.

Looking back at these pictures now, I can see the scene really wasn't all that spectacular, but I was certainly beaming with pride as Doctor Dale walked with his class that morning.


  1. "Turns out no one else could think of anything on such short notice either." You make me laugh so hard, Wendy!
