Thursday, November 15, 2012

Nerd Fest 2012

Going to Daddy's work party is certainly no picnic.  Okay, so technically it was a picnic, but that doesn't mean it was fun.  Alright fine, the kids had a great time, and therefore I had a glorious time watching my kids play at the nearby playground.
There were even two, count 'em, two other kids to play with.  Quite frankly they were terrified of my children though.  It was all kinds of weird.
When I wasn't watching my cutie pies, I was staring at the spectacle that was Nerd Fest 2012.

Mark thought it was hilarious when the CFO landed in a gigantic pile of sticky things.  I thought it was hilarious watching three other grown men pick those sticky things off their CFO.  Dang, we are so mean.

But handsome.
When the sun went down, my kids marshmallowed it up by the fire.

The nerds stood around staring at each other.

Thank goodness for alcohol.
Since we were out near Daddy's work, we decided to stop there for a quick tour.  The kids loved seeing where Daddy went every day.

Dale is very proud of his Daddy and wants to be like him some day.

Good luck with the science stuff, Dale.  You are half Mommy, remember?

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