Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Apples and Pumpkins

What is more fall than caramel apples and pumpkin decorating?  Well, not a darned thing, I would say.

The caramel proved to be pretty tough for the little ones.  Oh nuts!  Daddy and I had to eat extra treats.
Once we were sufficiently high on sugar, it was time to go decorating crazy on our pumpkins.  We didn't carve any pumpkins this year, because we flat out didn't have time, but we managed to adorn two pumpkins with lovely frills.
Rose and Dale loved their kitty and lion.  Dale even put his pumpkin in his bedroom, high up on his bookshelf where Rose couldn't touch it.

1 comment:

  1. Good thing Dale kept that lion out of Rose's hands, I think she would have been snuggling it to death.
