Wednesday, August 7, 2013

T-Ball Day at Sports Camp

Day three at sports camp was wacky.  We did the best we could with what little we had in our apartment, but Dale was pretty proud of his outfit for the day.

Dale's wacky outfit included mismatched socks, a bow tie, and several band aids.

Day three was also T-ball day.  I was excited for this day, because I knew Dale was great at hitting balls.

There is a lot of waiting at sports camp, which is why some kids choose to pick their noses.  And then eat their boogers.
Little ones look so cute in those big batting helmets.

Here is Rose's view of sports camp from the playground.  Not too shabby.

Normally I would have a lot of cute pictures of my kids playing at the playground after sports camp, but my computer ate those photos before I was done loading them onto this blog post.  Bummer.  At least I got this one:

And it's a good one.

1 comment:

  1. I love Dale's "baseball uniform." The bow tie adds a nice touch.
