Thursday, August 8, 2013

Independence Day

July 4, 2013

On the morning of the fourth, we headed downtown for the first annual Fort Collins fourth of July parade.  We were all so excited to see what would be coming down the road.

The parade was the perfect length for toddlers and consisted mostly of city vehicles and recreation teams.  Cinderella was walking with the library float, and when she saw Rose, she came right over for a hug.

But she settled for a high five.

After that, Rose was in such a great mood that she played the piano for us.

And of course she gave kisses and hugs to this mountain lion downtown.

Mountain lions do not scare this princess!

That afternoon was so hot that we put our kids in their swimsuits and headed to the park for some splashing.

At first, Rose was not a fan of the splash pad.

But then she kept inching closer.

Meanwhile Dale went bananas soaking himself.

Rose thought that was kind of okay.

Nope, she never really did get in.  But she did stop clutching Daddy's neck, so I guess that's a step.

1 comment:

  1. I hope our girls will discover the joy of splash pads next summer.
