Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Lay of the Land

In our Colorado apartment, Rose and Dale share a bedroom.  To make it nicer, Daddy brought a big carpet scrap from our house in Kansas, and then he set up the kids' fun tents to sleep in.  Miraculously, the tent keeps Rose happy in her pack n play so that everyone can get some sleep.

Rose and Dale sharing a room?  They don't mind at all.

Daddy also got Dale and Rose their own squishy bean bag chairs to chill out in.

It may not be ideal, but we sure are getting some fun art pieces from Dale in the meantime.

"Robots.  Dangerous ones."  by Dale
"Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle" and "Rainbow Dash" by Dale. In case you were wondering, these are characters from My Little Pony, a show Dale happens to love a whole lot.
Dale drew two of the droids on this paper.  He even included the letters by the pictures.
"Puss in Boots" and "Campfire" by Dale.

The living room/dining room is one long dark room, but at least its length allows Dale to run back and forth from one side of the apartment to the other.

To add some color, we've decorated the apartment walls with lots of art pieces.  We also want to make sure Daddy has a bit of cheer when his family is not around.

Lots and lots of art on the walls.
Rose's art is on the top row, and Dale's art is on the bottom.

We love you and miss you, Daddy!

1 comment:

  1. Kid artwork can brighten any room. I just love love love Dale's creativity!!
