Thursday, March 7, 2013

Perfectly Imperfect

The day of Abbey's baby shower was so much fun.  Abbey was all smiles as she greeted everyone into her house, and Abbey's mother, Debbie aka DeeDee, was a gracious and delightful hostess, making sure all us mamas were well fed and happy with our mimosas.

Why yes, I will have a mimosa...or two!
Britney and Annalea, Abbey's sister-in-law and niece.

There were a lot of smiley happy girls at the shower, and we were all gathered to help celebrate the upcoming arrival of the new baby girl in true Abbey fashion; making a quilt.

Let's face it, it's about the only thing I can do to help.

The letters were made with great teamwork, and they were all perfectly imperfect.  Just like us!

The "I" was the best if you ask me.

Great progress was made in just a few short hours.  Abbey's plan is to finish it in her own spare time.  This blanket is going to be adorable!

What an honor to be a part of this quilt and the experience!  And what an honor it will be to be a part of the new baby's circle when she is born.

UPDATE June 2013-  Abbey finished Elizabeth's beautiful quilt:

Photo by Abbey Palte.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for taking such wonderful pictures! What a fun time! Now I better go get sewing!
