Friday, June 29, 2012

Just Your Average Day

June 3, 2012

Every once and a while we have a weekend with nothing planned.  We don't go anywhere exciting or do anything flashy.  We need these weekends to unwind and reaquaint ourselves with each other as a family.  It's pretty much like any other day at home, except we have Daddy.  And Daddy is a whole lotta crazy.

Art time aka eat markers and draw on tables and chairs.  But cutely.

Later on that day, we put actual clothes on and headed to our backyard oasis for some snackin' and playin'.

If you get dressed today, I'll give you some juice...

Tall Kansas grasses make excellent tickle sticks.

While Daddy did this...

It takes a shovel to pull up the weeds in our yard.

Rose began to take her tickle revenge.

No one was safe.

After becoming bored with our tickle fest, we ended up at the big ugly hunk of plastic for a splashing good time.

But we didn't stay there long, because we suddenly got the brilliant idea to get out the bikes.

Dale started to pedal all by himself!

The face of a strong big boy.

Since Dale was on such a roll that day, we let him cut his own chicken.  He was really feeling like a big boy now.

The day was so full that we needed a nice bubble bath to calm down.  Rose likes to swim while she is in the tub.

In honor of Dale's big boy day, he grew a beard.

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