Friday, May 11, 2012

April's End

A common view from my back porch.
The end of April had many rainy days, and we spent a lot of time indoors discovering new things.  For example, Dale learned Sudoku.

He also learned how to get his own snacks down.  He even figured out that if he carries the chair across the floor instead of scooting it, Mommy can't hear him sneaking treats.

We lounged around a lot in our underoos.

Rose enjoyed much quiet time in her reading nook.

We're ready to get out and about for a fresh start in May!


  1. It will be a great time to get out and enjoy the weather!

  2. Love the underoos, by the way, His daddy had the same ones, I think.

  3. Sudoku on the did he learn to do that? lollllllllllllll

  4. What a minute...THAT is a common view from your back porch?!?!?! I would never leave if I were you!
