Thursday, November 1, 2012

Ballerina Princess Party

Rose is quite the princess.  No, she's a ballerina princess.  Or is it a princess ballerina or fairy princess or fairy princess ballerina or fairy ballerina?  Whatever it is, she's my cutie patootie princess pie.  So for her birthday, Rose had the most precious ballerina princess party ever.  She loved it.
Party tutu.

Our little princess.
To celebrate Rose's second birthday, we had the family come over for food and princess ballerina fun.
Matthew, Rose, Dale, Lily, Max

The backyard was decorated as froufrou and fabulous as possible, with ribbons and sparkles everywhere.  Both Monga and Aunt Sara brought special touches to help out, and it really made the backyard magical.

For this birthday, I somehow convinced Daddy to make cupcakes instead of his usual elaborate cake.  He made his now famous red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting.  Yummmmm.
What a magical day for Rose.  Happy second birthday to our precious princess!

Dear Rose, I promise I was there at your birthday party, but I have not a single photograph to prove it.  Sometimes I forget to ask Daddy to take the camera.  I'm working on that.  I love you!

1 comment:

  1. What a magical party! I cannot believe how old Rose looks. So happy and beautiful!
