Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Well hello there.  We're in the backyard again.  You may be thinking, "Seriously?  Another post with my kids in the backyard?"  Well, yes, because how could I not show you this:


Lily has a new habit:  whistling.  She does it all the time, and by golly, she looks so cute doing it.

Then the water came out again.  Oh dear.

Rose braced herself for the water party by snuggling up with Monga.

There were meltdowns...

And timeouts.

But we survived them all and ended up having another great morning in the backyard.

This is Dale's favorite pose for photographs.

The Dude liveth.

Back inside, in order to mellow out a little bit, we brought out the markers.  We had some artwork to create.

Dale worked very hard on his monster, while Rose scribbled delightfully with blue.

We were making butterflies by tracing our hands.

Once Dale figured out how to make the butterflies, he wanted to trace his feet and then his head to make different butterflies.  I obliged.  And of course Lily wanted to do everything Dale did.

While Dale and Lily showed off their many butterflies...

Rose showed off what she had been working on...  Her face.

Sweet little Rose is growing into a loving motherly girl.  She puts "Patty" in her highchair and feeds her lunch.  Rose also does this with various other objects, such as tigers or cars.  She does not discriminate.