Monday, July 9, 2012

Singing and Swimming

When Monga visits, she likes to split her time between Manhattan and Lawrence in order to see all her grandbabies, so we move around a lot, hanging out wherever.  On this day, we all went to Aunt Sara's house to swim and meet the newest addition to our Lawrence clan.

Before we could do anything, however, Rose had to perform "Twinkle Twinkle" for everyone.

Welcome to the world, Jordan!  Jordan is Hannah's brand new little sister.  We were lucky enough to meet her when her Mommy and Daddy dropped off Hannah to swim and play.

Then we were off to swim!  Rose couldn't warm up to the cold water, so she spent most of her time chilling out on the deck.

Meanwhile we left Aunt Sara in the pool alone with all the toddlers.

Rose eventually got in the hot tub with Monga.  She seemed very happy there.

Then we hosed all three of the three year olds down and squirted some shampoo at them.

Notice Dale's blue lips.

Poor Dude was freezing to death,  but he was having so much fun that he didn't want to warm up.

Cuddle bug.


  1. I see a microphone in Rose's future too.

  2. Oh my goodness, smiling wide at Rose's swimsuit and swim cap!!!
