Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Baby Love, Scribbles, Cookies and Toes

Rose has started playing "baby" these last few months.  She is very loving and tender with all her dolls.  Her favorite things to do with them is to buckle them into her chair and feed them or to cover them with blankies and say "nigh nigh." 

Babies get lots of hugs and kisses.

Dale prefers to make silly faces and be generally nutso.  He has an insanely high energy level.

Another one of Rose's loves is singing and playing the piano.  She's quite good at it and is very willing to perform many times a day.

After our impromptu music/dance party with dolls and silly faces, we decided to make some beautiful artwork.  We got new art supplies, and we had to try them out.
Dale has started "writing" words.  In fact, he gets mad at me when I write the title of his piece on the paper, because he already did that himself.

Here Dale is practicing his name.

Hard at work.

Lookin' good, Monga.  Looks like you may be pregnant though.

I asked Dale to pose with his portrait.

For this next picture, Dale narrated:

Rose is an itty bitty baby, Mommy.
This Mommy eye.
And this is Mommy eye.
Have a nose.
And have arms.
And hair.
Rose have little tiny hair.

I sure wish I had legs.  Rose has legs.  Where are mine?

Dale wrote names at the top of most of his pictures.  I then translated what he wrote.

Dale narrated for PawPaw's portrait too:

PawPaw is really really big.
Big eyes.
Little eyes in here.
And a mouf.
And legs.

Paw Paw is always "vedy big".
There appears to be something wrong with one of Mary's eyes, and she has no hair.  But at least she has legs.

Grandma has extra legs.

I don't know why.

Messy girl loves making her art too.  And she's getting pretty good at it, filling the page up with scribbles and twists and turns of marker or crayon.

A lovely piece by Rose.

Marker got everywhere, including inside Rose's ear.  It was an awesome mess fest.

We were absolutely famished after all that artwork, so we had to bake cookies.  Obviously.


Finally we rested.  But Rose decided to take this moment to chew on her toes.  I've never seen her do this before, and I haven't seen it since.  Thank goodness, because that is disgusting!

Princesses don't eat their toes, Rose.

Dale liked all the attention Rose was getting, so after failing to get his own foot into his mouth, he settled on his hand.

Post blog post Q & A:

Q: Why are all Rose's baby dolls naked?
A: Is there any other way for a baby doll to be?

Q: Isn't it a little warm for flannel pajamas?
A: Not to Dale. Now that he can dress himself, I can't stop him from putting them on.

Q:  Did Mark teach Rose how to suck on her toes?
A:  Most likely.  He does love disgusting things.


  1. I love this post. It's so good that I smile all the way through. It's totally delightful.

  2. I couldn't agree more with Monga. I want to look at it again and again.

  3. I love that I have extra legs. that would come in handy in many situations!And I love the pictures of Rose with her dolls, too.
