Friday, July 19, 2013

Art at the Promenade

June 18, 2013

There is a fabulous string of summer events for children hosted by the Promenade Shops at Centerra in Loveland, and art day was at the top of our summer fun list.  Dale warmed right up and welcomed every event or project.

The Dude tried with all his might to hula hoop.  Mostly that consisted of him running around in circles holding the hoop.

Dale made his own jester's hat, decorated a ceramic heart, and painted his own bookmark.

This is what Rose did...

She has the meanest mommy ever.

Finally Rose calmed down and joined her big brother at the canvas painting table.  Both Dale and Rose created such beautiful masterpieces.

Rose's art.
Dale's art.

Rose even got her face painted...for the first time ever!  She chose a blue butterfly to match her dress.

Dale is being a snake, and Rose is being a butterfly.

They even had cotton candy!  Rose gobbled hers up so fast, while Dale held onto his and nibbled it slowly for the rest of the day.

I finally got her to put on her princess crown I made for her.
Jester's hat, snake face, bookmark and cotton candy.  Perfect.

1 comment:

  1. Grandpa and I are looking forward to attending events like this with Rose and Dale. Looks like a lot of fun!
