Thursday, July 25, 2013

Splashing Around

I suppose we are getting braver.  Or maybe we're just getting more and more crazy.  Whatever the case, Abbey and I decided to take our kids to see a movie and then splash around in Loveland.  To my surprise, the movie went off without a hitch, and every single little one loved it.  They giggled and snacked, and it was so much fun to watch their reactions to the giant movie screen.
At the splash pad, the girls were curious yet cautious.  No one stayed there long, and all three came running toward their mamas after a giant squirt attacked them.

Dale, however, was brave and loved running in and out of the water.

There was much interest in the nearby orange cones.

We could not get them to stop moving them around.

Dale adores Elizabeth, and now that she is smiling, Dale is even more eager to interact with her.

There was a lot of love going around.

A miracle moment caught on camera.

And darn it!  The splash pad is right next to a gelato place.  It would be downright mean not to eat it.


  1. Oh my word. The kids are so adorable. I can't even stand it. Sometimes when I see little kids and all of the fun activities they get to do I want to cry. My baby is 13 right now. He has lost all interest in splash pads and such :(. I miss having little kids around : ). I'm glad you got ice cream. Great decision.

  2. I love these pictures. I'm so glad you're back with your friends. And who is Kaishon?
