Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pioneer Princess And Her Soldier Sibling

First of all, Rose would like to say something:

cc7uc u7 u7c 7u           cccccccccccccccccccc uccvvv

There.  Now that she has explained herself, we shall look at adorable photos of her.
After our museum soiree, I bribed my children with cookies to get them to sit still for pictures.  It didn't hurt that they were both thoroughly exhausted and barely able to run away from me.

Oh dear.  They both do the "smile" now.

The museum grounds are beautiful and complete with a playground, a nature trail, gazebo, and flowers galore.  And my children looked so darn cute in their new hats that I simply could not resist.

My little Union soldier and his Pioneer sister from another era.

The museum is architecturally awesome.
Pioneer Princess

Sitting next to the museum is the Potawatomi Mission, which operated from 1848-1861 and stripped local children of their native heritage to make them "Christian."  In later years it operated as the Prairie Dell Farm, where Robert Ives Lee bred many winning racehorses.

Gotta love that native stone.
This is the only way you'll see me pulled back, glasses on, jeans rolled up, camera in hand, pushing a stroller with a huge stained diaper bag dangling from it.  I'm okay with that for now.

As if our day had not been cool enough, we spent a few minutes exploring the playground.

A slide that ends in a truck?  Yes, please!

We ended our trip with smiles and a kiss!


  1. It was a really good time. Love the photo of Dale on top of the truck. and...well, all the photos are awesome.

  2. Love your self portrait, friend, and can't wait to see your face in real life!
