Monday, May 21, 2012

Game On

I love watching Mary play soccer.  She is really in her element on that field, running, laughing and flipping her hair.  She is no longer a little girl, but she is turning into a beautiful and confident young woman.  On the soccer field, she is graceful and happy.  It is an honor to watch Mary play.

During the game, Dale discovered that he did not have the password he needed to enter the soccer net playhouse.

Bigger kids are kinda scary.

Rose, however, managed to push past the little blond bully and was free to play in between the two nets.

Don't mess with Rose.

Back on the field, things were heating up.  Mary is a lot tougher than she looks.

My kids loved all the action.

The game was called early, since lightening was spotted.  Poor Mary didn't get to finish her game.

Starbucks turned that frown upside down.
It was only sad for a moment though, because Starbucks was nearby, and Uncle Mark and Aunt Wendy hooked that gal up.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures, Wendy. That was the 8 a.m. game that I missed!
