Thursday, May 3, 2012

Easter Saturday

April 7, 2012

The Saturday before Easter we invited everyone to Manhattan for a good ol' fashioned Easter egg hunt. Our backyard is a pretty good size, so we knew the kids would have a blast searching for all the eggs the Easter Bunny had left for them.

Ugly pink Easter hats are a rite of passage for little girls.

The egg hunt was a hit.

The kids had three very different strategies:

Dale: Pick up each egg, shake it, and decide if it is good enough to keep. If it makes a noise when shaken, it must be good, so put it in the bucket. If the egg makes no noise when shaken, toss it to the side and let Lily get it. Candy is the only goal.

Tongue must be out for duration of egg hunt.

Lily: Run as fast as possible, picking up every egg in every color. Do not stop for photos of any kind. It doesn't matter what is in the egg, it's mine.

Inspect eggs often to make sure they haven't mysteriously disappeared.

Rose: Pick up an egg, open it, and either eat it or stick it to your body somewhere. Move on many minutes later if you feel like it. Smile cutely, but act upset if anyone talks to you.

Eat treats as you go.
Matching pink outfits from Monga.

After all the eggs had been gathered and many treats were devoured, it was time for a cute little bunny craft. Dale, Lily and Rose were so quiet as they glittered and stickered their bunnies.

Rose has a strange habit of putting stickers on her cheeks and arms.

The bunnies turned out great! Easter Saturday was great fun. Thanks to Monga, the Rices, and the Riehns for coming to play with us.


  1. Oh my goodness! What fun! And what cute Easter outfits! You have beautiful children, Wendy!
