Monday, May 13, 2013

Story Time With Rose

It's hard to handle two toddlers out of the home, especially when one of them is two years old.  With Dale still out of town, Rose and I were able to go to the library for the special once a month zoo story time.

Story time was a bust really.  The zoo volunteers couldn't seem to follow the story well, and Rose wasn't interested in the cockroach they brought with them.  But Rose greatly enjoyed reading and playing in the children's library.  She brought me book after book to read to her, she played in the playroom, and she smiled sweetly at everyone.  But, I knew it was time to go home when she started using the books to play her favorite imaginary game:  Mommy and baby.

1 comment:

  1. How fun to have some one on one time with your Roseathena!
