Thursday, April 18, 2013

An Evening Playground Romp

Some evenings a quick run to a playground is necessary to shake off the stuck-in-the-apartment-blues, so we decided to go to our old neighborhood park.  It was the first time we had returned there since we moved away, and I was flooded with baby Dale memories.

When Dale was a newborn, we spent a lot of time at this park.  We jogged, (yes I used to jog), we watched the geese and pelicans, and we daydreamed about the day Dale would run and play there.  It was such a strange overwhelming feeling to be back again.  And this time Dale ran all over the playground, touching everything, playing with as much as he could as fast as he could.  Even better?  He now has a sister.  I smiled widely as I watched my two little ones explore.

Rose spent most of her time inside her "house" playing with her invisible baby.  She kept hugging and kissing it as she cooked it dinner and made its bed.

It's good to be back.