Friday, March 29, 2013

Rose and Her Babies

The baby dolls are getting a ton of attention in our house lately.  They get lots and lots of love and are tucked in for frequent naps.  Sometimes Rose will even keep them company while they rest.

And here's Rose in a tiny trashcan for ya...

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Rose and a Ballerina

Rose loves playing with little dolls and figurines.  She is especially into the pink princess-y types and can now go for much longer stretches playing alone as long as she has a few princesses with her.

And it's oh so cute to watch...from afar.  If you get too close you'll likely get a look of disgust and the sharp words, "DON'T LOOK AT ME ANYMOE!"

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Lily Visits Captain America and Princess Rose

Captain America and Princess Rose were visited one afternoon by Monga and PawPaw and a little Lily.  It was nice enough outside, but it was raining.  What a tragedy!  We took to the front deck in order to get some of our extra energy out.  And of course since it was raining outside, my kids wanted to wear their rain boots.  

Dale and Lily played racing games, where the winner would get a HUGE ENORMOUS trophy.  The trophies were heavy and apparently very tall.

Dale and Lily holding their trophies.
Now that's a big trophy.
Rose was distraught, probably because she never did win her own trophy, so Monga gave her extra cuddles.
I knew it was time to go inside when Lily started pushing Dale a little too high on the porch swing.

One last Dale face pic...

Another appearance from the one raised eyebrow.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Friday, March 22, 2013

Imaginary Play

In our backyard the kids become engrossed in imaginary play.  I have no idea what Dale plays, but he loves using sticks, cars, loud noises and sharp swift movements.

Rose alternates back and forth between her swing chair and her kitty.

I couldn't catch a good photo of Dale, because he was running around like a madman.  So this is what I got when I asked him to please please please stand still for one picture.

This is the "Mommy-is-taking-my-picture-but-I-really-want-to-run-away" face.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Patio Picnic

March 8, 2013

March began with a cold bang, but in all its fury there were one or two days that were calm and mild.  We jumped on the chance to feel the sun on our faces and headed outside for lunch.

There was one problem though:  a fly.  Obviously Rose doesn't recall what comes with the sun and warmth, because this tiny fly would not leave her alone, and it devastated her.

Rose was downright terrified of the tiny fly.  Dale tried to teach his sister the "shoo" technique.

Once lunch was over, Dale immediately started building a dream world that involved two cars, a red chair, some rocks, leaves, sticks and other assorted outdoor items.

As usual Rose was all over the place, but she did pull our two chairs together, just like we did last summer, and say, "Mommy, sit here."

Deep in play.

Rose found her legless kitty again.

The frisbees came out again too.

Then Rose remembered her swing.  Oh how she adores swinging.

And oh how Dale adores large sticks.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Tickles in the Snow

Daddy came home for a short visit, and since he wanted to spend some time in the backyard, so did we.  Dale helped Daddy by raking the snow.

Snow farmer Dale.

Rose had a different approach with the snow.  She chose to throw it her innocent mother instead.

And she thought it was hilarious.

Then the tickle war began.  Mark and I use it as a tactic to keep the kids entertained in the backyard.  We hand them a "tickle stick" and start running.  It works every time.

Dale and Rose got Daddy good.

This is what the kids look like when they are chasing after you with their torture devices "tickle sticks."

Happy determination.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

February Shebruary

February.  Was it fun?  Hard to say really.  It felt like three months in one, and it's finally all blurring together.  I don't know who I am anymore.  Here ya go!