Friday, May 10, 2013

Just the Girls

Monga took Dale to Wichita so that Mommy could have some time alone with Rose.  Rose had never experienced what it was like to have Mommy all to herself, so we spent a few days with just the two of us, and we loved it.  Thanks, Monga!
We had a nice sunny day, so we decided to check out the new additions to the Sunset Zoo in Manhattan.  They have a brand new entrance with attached gift shop that we wanted to see.

Pretty new entrance.

As you can see, Rose was thrilled to be at the zoo.

There's not a whole lot to see at the Sunset Zoo, but they do have a tiger.  Thank goodness he was out, because it's the one thing that kept Rose going that afternoon.  When we finally got to see the tiger, Rose declared that he was her best friend.

There were pretty tulips everywhere.  I bribed Rose with candy to sit by the flowers for a few photos.

This is the smile you get when you ask Rose to make her "pretty face."
She's a beauty.

Because Rose was such a good girl, she got to play on the zoo playground for a while.

Rose's trademark:  giant smile and closed eyes.