Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Mini Birthday Celebration

With all our going back and forth between Kansas and Colorado, we missed Emily and Addison's second birthday.  So once we returned to Colorado, we had our own mini celebration for the girls.  Dale and Rose also couldn't wait any longer to meet baby Elizabeth.  Of course before you can have any kind of party, you have to play furiously with every toy in the vicinity.

Play!  Play!  Play!

Then sweet little Dale requested to hold Elizabeth.  There is something so completely wonderful about a child holding a child.  Such beauty and innocence.  And Dale did an amazing job.  He was gentle and loving, and he told me he wanted one of his very own.

My heart completely melted.

Then it was party time!  Whoop whoop!

Elizabeth could barely contain her excitement at the party.

We opened presents, played with stickers, acted silly and made cookies.  It was like toddler heaven.


  1. Not LIKE toddler heaven, it WAS toddler heaven!

  2. Sounds like heaven to me. I laughed outloud at Elizabeth's celebration.
