Monday, December 17, 2012

Dale's Fourth Birthday

November 8, 2012
Dale's fourth birthday
On Dale's birthday, he got to be the special birthday kid at school, which meant he could bring a favorite snack and a favorite book to share with the class.  Our snack choice was homemade cookies with extra messy sprinkles, and our book choice was "We're Going on a Bear Hunt" by Oxenbury and Rosen.  We made a big deal out of Dale's day at school and even got all dressed up.
Cute kid.
Pretty school.
Once school started, Dale got to sit in the special birthday chair, where everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to him.  Then he got to pick a little gift from the birthday box and show the class his pick.
Ms. Armstrong and Ms. Grogan are Dale's teachers.

Rose entertained herself with all the toys.

Where on earth does he get this from?
Once we left school, Rose, Monga and I ventured to Starbucks for some coffee, treats, and chatting, and then we shopped for new dresses at The Gap.  Rose is unbelievably adorable in the mornings after dropping Dale off at school.  It makes me want to buy her things.  I'm in big big big trouble.


  1. Dale is very handsome. And yes, you are in big trouble with Rose.

  2. I can't believe baby Dale is already 4! Did the super precious red dress in the rainbow ribbons post come from one of these shopping trips? :)
