Friday, August 10, 2012

Water is the Only Way

The water table has dead bugs floating in it, our swimsuits sit barely worn, and the blue chairs are covered in dirt and cobwebs.  Why?  Because it's too darn hot!  We tend to wait until the evening now before heading outdoors.  Our backyard is mostly shaded in the evening, and we try ever so hard to get out there in that nearly unbearable heat.  The only way to survive is to stay in the shade, turn on the hose and sit slapping mosquitoes off your legs as if your life depended on it.  But I know my two deary pies love it, so outside we go.

We can't give up on our backyard.

There are still discoveries to be made.

Rose loves helping Daddy with yard work.

It's inevitable.  The big brother splash down.

There was indeed a sad pathetic pout that followed, but Rose survived.  Until next time.