Thursday, June 14, 2012

It Won't Happen Again

Dear Mother Earth, 
We are so sorry that we did this to you.  Please forgive my family, but we did it.  We bought a giant plastic toy.  Before you get upset, know that we will never throw our table in the ocean, and we will make sure that when we are done with it, it gets passed on to the next child for more large plastic toy fun.  We do our very best not to buy toys like this, so please let this one slide.  We still love you.
The Rice family

I abhor plastic toys.  I feel incredible guilt just having toys like this in my house.  But let me tell you, Kansas summers are so hot and humid that I knew we needed this darn plastic water table to survive.  Let this be known as the day Mommy surrendered to the disgust of gigantic plastic toys.  It won't happen again.

The kids were thrilled to have their very own water table, and they got straight to work getting as wet as possible.

It took all of three minutes before Dale was soaked and almost naked.  We are going to love the crap out of this table.

On a side note:
We had a little visitor watching the kids play.

Well hello there, baby praying mantis.  Aren't you a creepy kind of way.  Please don't eat my children.

1 comment:

  1. Love the water table, love the teeny tiny little bug, and LOVE Dale's underwear! :)
