My sweet baby Dale, as I still affectionately call him, is afraid of the dark. So much so that he cannot fall asleep in his own bed. It got to the point where we would leave Dale's bedroom light on at night so he would stay in bed, and eventually even that didn't work anymore. Dale now goes to sleep every night in Mommy and Daddy's bed, door open, hall light on. If it's not perfect, he'll let you know. He doesn't stay there though. Daddy carries a sleeping Dale back to his own bed every single night. I kind of love this arrangement, because I love my Dale cuddles, and I certainly get more of them this way.
The other cutie patootie pie has been working on new hairdos with Mommy. She wants her hair to be super duper curly, so we acquired some sponge rollers, (thank you, Monga), and gave them a go. I turned on "Little Einsteins", and once Rose's eyes had glazed over, I put the rollers right in. Easy peasy.
Sponge curlers are a rite of passage in my family. |
For maximum curl, it's essential to sleep in your rollers. I have many memories of trying to sleep on those stupid things, and I decided I needed to give Rose that experience too. Before she fell asleep, she pulled out several of her curlers, and there was just no way for me to fix them without waking her up.
So when we took the rollers out in the morning, this is what her hair looked like.
hehe! |
There was no way I could leave Rose's hair down, so I put it in pigtails hoping it would help.
It didn't.
Better luck next time.